The Alpaca, Islington

Sometimes nature can be more than cruel and I was gutted for this excellent new kid on the block that had to close its doors due to Covid-19 under ten days after reopening following a huge refurb in March 2020.
I’d been kindly invited for a walk round during the works. I had to wait until 6 July to finally see all the hard work that Lucas and the team had put in to bring the pub back to life. It was also empowering hearing how he and his Missus had kept the pub going with off sales during lockdown.
As a building it’s a beautiful spectacle perched just up from the Angel on Essex Road. Taylor Walker created some of the most striking tiling and the example here is a joy to drink in for any purist and certainly runs Truman’s close in the iconic branding stakes.
They have also pleasingly retained as many original interior features as possible; bits of the 1920s wallpaper hidden for decades and uncovered remain and I love the exposed brickwork and Watney’s memorabilia (my Grandad worked for them) The pub is set up with the front bar being a relaxed area pretty much, but not exclusively, for drinking and out the back sees a more culinary purpose but still available for drinkers. It perhaps has a feel of returning to the old saloon and public bar era.
Wooden flooring runs throughout and my favourite element of the reboot is the lighting. It’s very hard to get right and in here they’ve nailed it creating the perfect ambience.
The place feels inclusive as old boys nurse pints in the front bar while people enjoy a bite out the back. There seems to be the right balance here. and the finish on the front bar, stools and flooring is exquisite, creating quite a scene.
They have changing menus Monday -Thursday 12:00 -15:00 at either £10/12 a main including a soft/alcoholic drink. They’re also opening early doors from 09:00 on Fridays and Saturdays to attempt to maximise trade post-Covid. Given a fair crack by the government I’m confident predicting this pub will be a roaring success and a superb asset to the N1 nightlife scene. I hope visitors old and new will be sure to support it.